API Reference


class openpnpy.messages.PnpMessage(element)

Bases: object

PnP protocol XML message


element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – XML parsed message element

property body

Body of the PnP message. Can be one of info or request or response messages for various PnP services.

property correlator

A unique string to match requests and responses between agent and server.

classmethod from_string(xmlstring)

Create an instance of PnpMessage from an XML string.


Builds a response to this message instance preserving session related attributes.


element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Response message body, as can be built using the openpnpy.services module


New PnP message with given body

Return type


property password

Login password for the device. Applicable for all the messages that are sent from the PnP server to the agent. The only exception is the initial exchange when there is no configuration present on the new device.

property success

Success state of the last executed work request.


Success state, None if the message is not a work response

Return type

bool, None


Returns the message as an XML string.

property udi

Unique Device Identifier. A built in device id consisting of product id, version id, and the serial number. It is mandatory for all the messages that get exchanged between the PnP agent and the PnP server.

property username

Login username for the device. Applicable for all the messages that are sent from the PnP server to the agent. The only exception is the initial exchange when there is no configuration present on the new device.


This module provides a base server class to be derived and implemented according to the user’s needs.

class openpnpy.server.PnpServer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Wrapped Flask web server implementing PnP protocol endpoints. This class should be derived and the handler methods overloaded to implement behavior. See https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/api/#application-object for supported constructor params.


What to do when a PnP Agent calls in to the server. Should not be overridden in most cases.


HTTP response tuple as specified by Flask, defaults to empty http 200 by default.

Return type



What to do when a PnP agent sends a work request.


work_request (openpnpy.server.PnpMessage) – Work request sent by the PnP agent


Body element to be used in the repsonse message, as can be built using the openpnpy.services module

Return type



NotImplementedError – To be implemented by user subclass


What to do when a PnP agent sends a work response.


work_response (openpnpy.server.PnpMessage) – Work response sent by the PnP agent


Body element to be used in the repsonse message, as can be built using the openpnpy.services module

Return type



NotImplementedError – To be implemented by user subclass


Decorator to create replies to the PnP request currently held in the global request object, using the body returned by the handler method.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Runs the Flask development server. See https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/api/#flask.Flask.run for supported params